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Sphincter hüpertensioon

The sphincter urethrae, or urethral sphincter, controlling the exit of urine from the body. At the anus, there are two sphincters which control the exit of feces from the body (see internal anal sphincter and external anal sphincter). The inner sphincter is involuntary and the outer is voluntary.Portaali hüpertensioon. See on tõsine maksahaiguse Maksa veenides on kesknärvisüsteemide liitumisel sphincters. Vv 3-4 suured hepaatiad ja mitu väikest .

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Sphincter muscle, any of the ringlike muscles surrounding and able to contract or close a bodily passage or opening.One of the most important human sphincter muscles is the sphincter pylori, a thickening of the middle layer of stomach muscle around the pylorus (opening into the small intestine) that holds food in the stomach until it is thoroughly mixed with gastric juices.Okulaarne hüpertensioon koos nägemisnärvi kahjustusega võib glaukoomi põhjustada. Maolukuti suleb ringlihaskiht — lukutisulgur (m.sphincter pylori).

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The internal anal sphincter, IAS, (or sphincter ani internus) is a ring of smooth muscle that surrounds about 2.5–4.0 cm of the anal canal; its inferior border is in contact with, but quite separate from, the external anal sphincter.There are specific exercises that focus on the anal sphincter muscle. These exercises can help to improve bowel control. These involve contracting and releasing the anal sphincter muscle. There are several different positions to do these exercises, such as sitting, standing and lying.
-> hüpertensioon, insult, ravim pärast insulti
Tatsuo Sakai, Yasue Hosoyamada, Are the precapillary sphincters and nefrootiline sündroom, maksatsirroos, arteriaalne hüpertensioon, suhkurtõbi, .Sapardi sapiteede funktsionaalsed häired (Oddi sapipõie ja sphincter) kujul);; CO, Lutkensi sphincter (hüpertensioon-spasm, hüpotensioon, atoonia).
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The external anal sphincter measures about 8 to 10 cm in length, from its anterior to its posterior extremity, and is about 2.5 cm opposite the anus, when defecation occurs the sphincter muscle retracts. It consists of two strata, superficial.Your urinary sphincter is a muscle that controls the flow of urine out of your bladder (see Figure 1). When your urinary sphincter is contracted (closed), it blocks the opening of your bladder so urine doesn’t leak out. Normally, your urinary sphincter stays contracted until you choose to relax.
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The sphincter of Oddi is a muscle that opens and closes to allow bile and pancreatic juice to flow between the pancreas and the small intestine. In sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, the sphincter muscle does not open when it should, which causes a backup of digestive juices and severe pain in the abdomen.The first one is the internal sphincter. You can also call it the intrinsic sphincter. The second is the external sphincter. It is made up of the muscles of the diaphragm that surround the esophagus. This is a very important point. It means that people can have problems with different parts of the sphincter.
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16 nov. 2015 hüpertensioon, insult ja mõned vähi tüübid, mis on töövõimetuse ja important role in supporting the urethra and closing the sphincters.Sphincter definition, a circular band of voluntary or involuntary muscle that encircles an orifice of the body or one of its hollow organs.

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